BAU, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, takes place every two years. Everyone involved in the planning, construction and design of buildings internationally comes together here: Architects, planners, investors, industry and trade representatives, craftsmen and many more.
From January 13 - 17, 2025, around 2200 exhibitors will present innovative developments and trends in materials, technologies and systems for commercial, residential and interior construction in new and existing buildings on more than 200 000 m2.
13. - 17. January 2025 | Trade Fair Center Messe München
Am Messesee 2
DE - 81829 München
Date and time
Monday, 13. January – Friday, 17. January 2025
9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Visitor service
Tel.: +49 89 949-11308
Tel.: +49 89 949-11309
Google maps
Detail is organizing a forum day together with BAU 2025 on 14 January. Top-class speakers will present innovative projects that address the key themes of the trade fair. Nine exciting presentations will show, for example, how resilient, climate-friendly construction can succeed, what the transformation of the city, district and country entails, how resources can be used efficiently, what significance modular and serial construction will have in the future and what economical construction means.
Training points
The all-day event will take place in Forum C2 at Messe München and has been requested by the Chambers of Architects of Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate for recognition as further training.
Program – DETAIL Forumtag 14 January 2025
Key theme: Transformations city / countryside / urban district
10:30 AM
The regenerating construction: giving new perspectives to existing buildings
Alma Bali, Java Architecture
11:00 AM
build on
Sandra Gnigler, mia 2 Architektur
Key theme: Resource efficiency
11:30 AM
Bombasei area. Space, construction and material
Paul Schmidt, Atelier Schmidt
How component reuse and emissions targets are shaping Swiss competition
Kerstin Müller, Zirkular
Key theme: Cost-effective construction
12:30 PM
Economical planning - potentials in architecture
Simon Waigand, ACMS Architekten
1:00 PM
Key theme: Resilient, climate-friendly construction
2:00 PM
High comfort, low impact, climate positive
Markus Krauss, Transsolar
2:30 PM
Weathering the Storm: Building for a Resilient Tomorrow
Jan Knikker, MVRDV
Key theme: modular – serial – productive
3:00 PM
Resource- and energy-efficient with circular timber modules to create an entire residential quarter
Max Mannschreck, Werner Sobek
3:30 PM
Will the future be modular?
Prof. Xaver Egger, sehw
The key themes of BAU 2025
They set the pace and bring order to the variety of products: the five key themes of BAU 2025. Many exhibitors are aligning their presentations accordingly and offering corresponding solutions. In the top-class conference program, the key themes will be discussed and debated under various aspects.
Resource efficiency
Cost-effective construction
modular – serial – productive
Resilient, climate-friendly construction
Transformations city / countryside / urban district
Alma Bali
Java Architecture
Xaver Egger
Sandra Gnigler
mia 2 Architektur
Markus Krauss
Max Mannschreck
Werner Sobek
Kerstin Müller
Paul Schmidt
Atelier Schmidt
Jan Knikker
Simon Waigand
ACMS Architekten
Die BAU 2023 bietet auf über 200 000 Quadratmetern Materialien, Technologien und Systeme für Wirtschafts-, Wohnungs- und Innenausbau im Neubau und im Bestand. Alles State of the Art-Technologie der internationalen Bauwirtschaft. Das Angebot ist nach Baustoffen, Produkt- und Themenbereichen gegliedert.
Alle Informationen zu den Ausstellern: Mit dem Ausstellerverzeichnis informieren wir Sie, welche Aussteller, Marken und Produkte Sie auf Weltleitmesse für Architektur, Materialien und Systeme finden. Reinschauen lohnt sich!
Daten & Fakten
Hervorragende Bewertungen von Ausstellern und Besuchern: Liegen die Messe München mit der Konzeption und dem Service der BAU richtig? Diese Frage stellt sich die Messe München nach jedem Messetermin. Daher hat auch auf der BAU 2019 im Auftrag der Messe München das Meinungsforschungsinstitut TNS eine Besucher- und Ausstellerbefragung durchgeführt. Das Ergebnis ist mehr als positiv. Sowohl Aussteller als auch Besucher waren begeistert.