
EnEV Standards

Energy efficiency – the new energy saving regulation is coming. The draft has been open to public scrutiny since November 2006. At some time in the second half of this year the regulation will be adopted and come into effect at the beginning of 2008. While there is a multitude of suggested alterations (from the chamber of architects, amongst others) it must be assumed that the basic principles of the present draft will become binding, particularly the alterations of the EU Directive 2002/91/EG. The regulation has been completely re-edited, while the level of standards has remained unchanged. There are, however, considerable additions; paragraphs 5, 12, 15 and 17 to 21, in addition to appendices 6 to 10 (the energy pass model) and 11 (continuing education). Appendix 2 has also been supplemented by an extensive reference table. It will be necessary to address oneself in detail to the new edition of the EnEV in order to achieve a maximum of energy efficiency in planning.
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