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Thirty years ago, a hundred families squatted on a piece of land and illegally built their houses there. They lived under precarious conditions. A decision was made to demolish these structures to make space for new, low-cost dwellings that the same people could purchase. In 2001 a government-supported programme was founded. »Elemental« was asked to develop solutions for suitable dwellings. The challenge was very high: Fitting 97 families in a 5,000m2 site, using US$ 7,500 per family and actively involving the community in the process. Today, some years after completion, the development radiates a sense of vitality and not one of urban chaos, as was feared. Architect: Alejandro Aravena, Santiago de Chile
Publicly Supported Housing in Iquique

How to develop solutions for suitable dwellings at the centre of the desert town of Iquique in Chile.
Thirty years ago, a hundred families squatted on a piece of land and illegally built their houses there. They lived under precarious conditions. A decision was made to demolish these structures to make space for new, low-cost dwellings that the same people could purchase. In 2001 a government-supported programme was founded. »Elemental« was asked to develop solutions for suitable dwellings. The challenge was very high: Fitting 97 families in a 5,000m2 site, using US$ 7,500 per family and actively involving the community in the process. Today, some years after completion, the development radiates a sense of vitality and not one of urban chaos, as was feared. Architect: Alejandro Aravena, Santiago de Chile