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Restaurant in Porto, Portugal

Der Erweiterungsbau ist flexibel angelegt. Raumteilende Möbel schaffen Platz für einen Wohn-, Koch- und Essbereich und garantieren ein Höchstmaß an Variabilität und Nutzungsfreiheit.
A disused boat on the Douro has been converted into a restaurant. The dining room – a steel and glass cube – was erected on a new platform of timber planks laid over a steel supporting structure. The full glazing to three sides of this space and the large opening elements create a flowing transition between inside and outside. In warm weather, the dining area can be extended to the open terrace on the ship’s deck. The restaurant is screened from the shore by the rear walls, which, together with a single steel column at the front, support the roof. Two steel masts driven into the river bed anchor the boat in position. The kitchen and the WCs below deck are reached via separate staircases.