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Shower and bathwater recycling
GEP Umwelttechnik GmbH
Wecostr. 7 - 11
D-53783 Eitorf
Tel.: +49 2243 9206-50
Fax: +49 2243 9206 - 66
E-Mail: schildhorn@gep.info
Wecostr. 7 - 11
D-53783 Eitorf
Tel.: +49 2243 9206-50
Fax: +49 2243 9206 - 66
E-Mail: schildhorn@gep.info
With a daily capacity of around 700 litres of grey water, the unit is particularly suitable for multifamily houses. After preliminary mechanical filtering, organic impurities are broken down by specific purifying bacteria in the 750 litre collection and storage tank. The second purifying stage, also without any chemical additives, is carried out by special membrane filters. An aerating pump, along with oxygen enrichment, takes care of cleaning the filter and ensures a long service life. Finally, the clear water is stored for use in a smaller 500 litre tank with a pressure increasing unit. The system can easily be combined with a rainwater installation.