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A Typology of Organizational Forms for Offices
When one observes a group of people with iPads and latte macchiati sitting at the adjoining table in a cafe, one may rightly ask whether offices will be needed at all in 20 years’ time. The office is the place where we work, but there are many places where that can be done. On the other hand, the world where we work is also something of a second home where we spend a great deal of our time. The concept of the non-territorial office is not the answer to all our problems. Not everyone is born a nomad. Most people need a working environment where they feel a sense of security, a fixed location where they continue where they left off the previous day and where they can have a word with colleagues. What should the ideal office space look like, then? Typologically, one can distinguish between four classical forms: single, enclosed office cells; open-plan offices; group, and combined offices. Each has its own distinct spatial characteristics. In addition, there are the business-club type and the reversible office.