Katja Pfeiffer
Latest posts
Residential building as a timber-concrete hybrid
Top-Up in Amsterdam by Frantzen et al
In the former industrial harbour of Buiksloterham in Amsterdam, a seven-storey timber-concrete hybrid residential building was built on the walls of a former cable warehouse. The living levels can be freely configured by the users.
New publication
Natural Building Materials S, M, L
„Naturbaustoffe S, M, L – Natural Building Materials S, M, L“ shows 30 pioneering buildings of climate-friendly architecture - constructed from natural materials and in the sizes "small" to "large".
New release
Pioneers of Timber Construction: Hermann Kaufmann Architekten
Hermann Kaufmann and his Vorarlberg team are great proponents of the multistorey wooden building. This new monograph documents their most compelling structures and reveals background information.
The floor as part of the colour concept for a mother-child centre in The Hague
In Bronovo Hospital in The Hague, a rubber floor with colour inlays is part of the colour concept for the maternity and children's ward.
Transzulentes Ringseildach für historisches Stadion Śląski
Gerkan, Marg und Partner (gmp) realisierten zusammen mit den Tragwerksplanern schlaich bergermann partner (sbp) die Ringseilüberdachung für das polnische Nationalstadion Śląski.
A Roof with a Wave: Zagreb International Airport
The supporting structure for the roof of the new airport in Zagreb is shaped like a wave and conceptualized as a Mero system.