New release
Pioneers of Timber Construction: Hermann Kaufmann...Hermann Kaufmann and his Vorarlberg team are great proponents of the multistorey wooden building. This new monograph documents their most compelling structures and reveals background information.
New release
Alpine Architecture in South TyrolEdition Detail’s new book presents contemporary building culture in South Tyrol. Altogether, 26 fascinating projects combine old and new amid a unique landscape and count as must-see destinations for architecture enthusiasts.
New release
Barcelona. Urban Architecture and Community Since...The new volume in the city series by Edition Detail portrays the fascinating current architecture scene in the Catalan metropolis, where pioneering urban concepts are tested and new perspectives are set for historical structures.
New publication
Manual of Multi-Storey Timber ConstructionAt last! The revised and expanded latest edition of Atlas Mehrgeschossiger Holzbau has become available in English. Now planners all over the world can benefit from the specialist knowledge of the team led by Hermann Kaufmann, Stefan Winter and Stefan Krötsch.
Publication launch
David Chipperfield's Projects with Construction D...The third edition of the monograph on David Chipperfield Architects has been expanded with documentations on current projects.
New book release
New BIG Monograph with 20 ProjectsThe new monograph published by Edition Detail shows the design, construction and technical means with which BIG's buildings have been transformed into reality. The volume documents 20 built projects.
Wer schon einmal in Mailand war, kennt Gio Ponti. Vis-à-vis vom Hauptbahnhof Milano Centrale streckt sich eines seiner Meisterwerke mit 127 m Höhe in den Himmel.
A successful attempt to resuscitate a dying building tradition