
Company Prize

DETAIL Prize 2011: Company Prize

The DETAIL Prize has advanced from a classical architecture prize to an industry prize encompassing everyone involved in construction.

The Company Prize is geared to entrepreneurs, clients, the construction industry, and skilled construction workers. Send in your company projects and reference projects!

Competition task

DETAIL Company Prize Product
The DETAIL Company Prize Corporate Product focuses on the innovative products which play a crucial part in an outstanding overall architectural design. It is not just about solving technical problems, but about the role of the details as essentially defining the whole. An innovative detail can alter the perception of a whole design and simultaneously reflect an entire design concept by itself. Eligible for the award are novel products and technical solutions that have a strong influence on the overall architectural design and enable new design ideas to be realized.

Target group: Manufacturers and developers in all areas of the construction industry as well as architects and engineers who participated in the reference building.

DETAIL Company Prize Corporate
The DETAIL Company Prize Corporate is geared to the real estate industry and companies in all industries that have produced innovative contemporary corporate architecture. As clients and investors for innovative, ecologically and economically buildings with a valuable design, they are making a decisive contribution to the sustainable development of the architectural and construction industries. All types of projects with valuable designs, from office and administrative buildings to commercial and industrial buildings, can be submitted.

Target group: Companies in all industries, project and real estate developers, as well as architects and engineers involved in buildings can participate.


DETAIL Company Prize Product
DETAIL Company Prize Corporate


An international jury will nominate three projects in each category. The prizewinners will be announced at the DETAIL Gala 2011, the glamorous awards ceremony at which the DETAIL Prize is presented.

Mauro Gil-Fournier Esquerra
, Estudio SIC, Madrid, ES
Prof. Harry Gugger, Harry Gugger Studio, Basel, CH
André Kempe, Atelier Kempe Thill, Rotterdam, NL
Prof. Regine Leibinger, Barkow Leibinger Architects, Berlin, DE
Christian Schittich, Editor-in-chief DETAIL, Munich, DE

Awards ceremony at DETAIL Gala 2011

The prizes will be awarded at a gala event taking placing during the BAU 2011 tradeshow on January 19, 2011 in Munich. All of the nominated works will be shown in two parallel exhibitions, at the BAU tradeshow and within the framework of the awards ceremony.
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