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DETAIL Prize 2012: adidas Laces

Nominated for DETAIL Prize 2012:
adidas Laces, Herzogenaurach, Germany
The new research and development building by kadawittfeldarchitektur is part of the Adidas "World of Sports" campus in Herzogenaurach and, as a floating counterpart to the Adidas Brand Center, blends into the existing ensemble. In contrast to conventional office typologies, the ring structure of the building enables a dual relationship with the landscape – to the outer surroundings and to the communicative landscape of the atrium. Arranged in a circular configuration, the office areas feature large glazed surfaces allowing views into the inner area. The connecting bridges, the "laces", tie the overall structure together to create an office building that is rich in relationships in a multitude of different ways. They enable interaction, create open areas for communication and allow speedy access to all office areas without the need to pass through other departments. At the same time, they transform the atrium into the identity-bestowing, creative centre of the building. The result is an inspiring location for the sports article manufacturer's research and development activities.
DETAIL Prize 2012: Online Reader Voting
The main prize – the DETAIL Prize 2012 – will be picked by an internationally renowned jury, while the winner of the Reader Prize will be chosen by the readers themselves in an online voting procedure specially set up for this purpose.
Choose your favourite project until September 20th!
Further information on DETAIL Prize 2012