DETAIL Prize 2012: Goethe Institute

Nominated for DETAIL Prize 2012: Goethe Institute, Santiago de Chile, Chile
FAR frohn&rojas (Marc Frohn, Mario Rojas Toledo)
The historical building of the Goethe Institute in Santiago de Chile had been damaged by an earthquake. During the reconstruction work, the architects FAR frohn&rojas had to find an interim solution. The institute was temporarily set up on an unfinished floor of a high-rise office building. The free floor area – which only offers a limited amount of space for classrooms, library, office, administration and exhibitions – is characterised by its depth of 16 metres between the inner core and the facade. FAR frohn&rojas developed an architectural language based on the zoning determined by the existing furnishings and a new metal shelf system. The furnishings are arranged radially around the inner core, as a result of which daylight can enter deep into the interior. The design idea of centrifugal force permeates all the fitted features and – in spite of simple means and a minimal budget – creates a uniform design throughout. The different functions can be acoustically separated from each other by means of a heavy curtain. A flexible metal partition curves around the core and enables separation of the library and offices. At night, light-absorbing surfaces endow the space with a mysterious aura. All the furnishings and built-in features will be used again after renovation of the historical building has been completed.
DETAIL Prize 2012: Online Reader Voting The main prize – the DETAIL Prize 2012 – will be picked by an internationally renowned jury, while the winner of the Reader Prize will be chosen by the readers themselves in an online voting procedure specially set up for this purpose. Choose your favourite project until September 20th!   Further information on DETAIL Prize 2012
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