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DETAIL Prize 2012: Visitor Centre of the Puez Geisler nature park and primary school in Villnöß

Nominated for DETAIL Prize 2012:
Visitor Centre of the Puez Geisler nature park and primary school in Villnöß, Italy
Burger Rudacs Architekten
Burger Rudacs Architekten
Designed by Burger Rudacs Architekten, the building ensemble in Villnöß, South Tyrol in Italy, consists of an exhibition building and a primary school in the Dolomites. The reductionist building made of cast local concrete is intended to be a counterpart to the highly detailed mountain setting. The fair-concrete surface was roughened by being worked on as if by a stone mason, the rock aggregate was freed of laitance and laid bare again. The greyness of the concrete was broken up through addition of a minimal amount of colour so that light plays with the surfaces and appears in changing beige colours, depending on the time of day. As regards the rock-like appearance, it is mediated by the larch wood panelling in all interior rooms. This inner wooden shell is reflected in the large window frames in the outer wall. Following an onion-shaped ground plan with stairs in the middle, the smooth fair-concrete walls, floors and walls generate a rock-like look and feel.
DETAIL Prize 2012: Online Reader Voting
The main prize – the DETAIL Prize 2012 – will be picked by an internationally renowned jury, while the winner of the Reader Prize will be chosen by the readers themselves in an online voting procedure specially set up for this purpose.
Choose your favourite project until September 20th!
Further information on DETAIL Prize 2012