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DETAIL Prize 2012: Woodwalk Showroom

Nominated for DETAIL Prize 2012:
Woodwalk Showroom, New Delhi, India
vir.mueller architects
vir.mueller architects
In a popular market building in Delhi, vir.mueller architects created a spatial installation made of wood in an empty area approximately 4 x 18 metres in size. Conceived as a sales area, it immediately demonstrates to the eye the many possibilities of interior design with wood. Hundreds of pieces of left-over wood that the thrifty client had collected in the course of his life as a layer of wooden floors and terraces were used. The walls of the tent-like spatial installation consist of a wooden frame construction. This was joined together with galvanized steel bolts so that the spatial installation can be dismantled at any time. Hundreds of thin strips of left-over wood were nailed to this frame construction. The overall design is based on the width and length of these pieces of left-over wood, which are approximately 0.7 cm deep, 2.5 cm wide and between 1.8 and 3 metres long. The sliding doors are made of plywood panels consisting of left-over pieces of wood. The empty space is a free and quiet area, serving as a counterpart to the hectic market in Delhi. It is also used for events, exhibitions and readings.
DETAIL Prize 2012: Online Reader Voting
The main prize – the DETAIL Prize 2012 – will be picked by an internationally renowned jury, while the winner of the Reader Prize will be chosen by the readers themselves in an online voting procedure specially set up for this purpose.
Choose your favourite project until September 20th!
Further information on DETAIL Prize 2012