Specialist information for architects

Special offers for offices

Here you can find special subscription offerings for architecture offices. We present specialist literature for you and your colleagues – books, single issues, or issue bundles. You can also find a range of stylish products and gifts from the DETAIL Collection.


DETAIL Inspiration – the research source for your office

Subscribe to our online database for offices and share knowledge. With DETAIL Inspiration, you and your colleagues have search access to more than 6,000 documented projects with photographs and detailed drawings. And best of all: All your employees have access – whether in the office or working from home.

  1. TRIAL


    Trial Subscription Office

    • Duration: 4 weeks
    • 4,000+ projects in English incl. detailed drawings
    • Professional search and filter functions
    • Constantly expanding database
    • Access for all employees
    • Simultaneous access for 2 employees
    • Up to 50 projects available for download per month


    Annual Subscription Office

    • Duration: 1 year
    • 4,000+ projects in English incl. detailed drawings
    • Professional search and filter functions
    • Constantly expanding database
    • Access for all employees
    • Simultaneous access for 2, 5 or 10 employees
    • At least 100 projects per month available for download
  3. BASIC


    Annual Subscription Office

    • Duration: 1 year
    • 4,000+ projects in English incl. detailed drawings
    • Professional search and filter functions
    • Constantly expanding database
    • Access for all employees
    • Simultaneous access for 2, 5 or 10 employees
    • At least 100 projects per month available for download


    Annual Subscription Office

    • Duration: 1 year
    • 4,000+ projects in English incl. detailed drawings
    • Professional search and filter functions
    • Constantly expanding database
    • Access for all employees
    • Simultaneous access for 2, 5 or 10 employees
    • At least 100 projects per month available for download

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"Wissen und Know-how gehören zugänglich gemacht. So denken wir, so arbeiten wir. Detail Inspiration folgt diesem Zeitgeist und bietet einen übersichtlichen und niederschwelligen Zugriff auf Detaillösungen gebauter Architektur.“  

Herwig Spiegl, Gründungsmitglied von AllesWirdGutArchitektur ZT

"DETAIL Inspiration is a fanastic resource that pus DETAIL’s impressive library of projects and world-class technical details at the finertips of our designers.“ 

Ryan McClanaghan, DIALOG

DETAIL Inspiration

The online database DETAIL Inspiration supports you in your search for inspiration for sophisticated designs and building solutions. With more than 4,000 project documentations from more than 30 years of DETAIL, DETAIL Inspiration is the largest research and inspiration platform of its kind.

Have you specific requirements for your DETAIL Inspiration subscription? Then we’d be delighted to hear from you.

DETAIL Edition – books to inform and inspire

Select the books you need for yourself and for your firm – whether its specialist reading, in support of your current construction projects, for continued training, or for your library.

Green Facades

Climate change, extreme weather conditions, the degradation of biodiversity, CO2 and fine-dust pollution in cities demand action. How can architecture make a contribution to achieving a paradigm shift? Can architecture not only be designed to be removable and recyclable, but to be additionally green as well? Can architecture also be an ecological system? What is blue-green architecture?

Architects face the demand to fully exploit unused potential and find ways to use plants as tools for design. This is both the case in the development of spaces as well as urban environments, but particularly on buildings themselves.

“Green Facades” provides architects with the necessary specialist knowledge to competently deal with the living architecture on the building envelope.


Perhaps you’d like to expand your library and you would like to order entire series or multiple selected titles: Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

DETAIL Magazine – specialist information for you and your colleagues

Subscribe to DETAIL with selected articles on relevant topics. Take advantage of special issues that deal with the topics you are currently working on or obtain combined knowledge with our yearly packages.

DETAIL Einzelhefte

DETAIL Jahrespakete

DETAIL Themensets

Increasing Density

For our summer issue, we looked at another kind of resource, namely land. In his essay, Andreas Müsseler takes a closer look at land consumption and summarizes examples and methods for combating it. For the documentaries, we have selected exciting projects that make do with little space and use it cleverly. This applies not only to a mini-house with a footprint of around 20 m2, but also to coworking spaces or the Holborn House community center in densely built-up London. In our Interiors section in this issue, we show complementary customized and recyclable interiors in existing buildings. Sandra Hofmeister

DETAIL as a gift for colleagues or clients

Would you like to do something nice for your colleagues or your customers? Select an appropriate book, a great subscription, or a stylish product from our DETAIL Collection. Having difficulty deciding? We also offer gift vouchers.

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