
Double-win for Arup Associates

The overall energy consumption was reduced by 67 % compared to business as usual and with the biomass CCHP plant and wind turbines for the building will achieve an A+ rating for the DEC certificate. According to Arup, Harlequin 1 is „Europe's most sustainable broadcasting studios boasting the world’s first naturally ventilated recording studios.“
Other short-listed finalists for The Sustainable Designer Award of The Year were:
  • Atelier Ten
  • Cundall
  • Jestico + Whiles
  • HOK International
  • Purcell Miller Tritton
And for the Sustainable Project of The Year (over £10m) were:
  • Loxford School of Science and Technology entered by Aedas
  • Kew Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens entered by Atelier Ten
  • John Hope Gateway, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh entered by Edward Cullinan Architects
  • Capgemini Merlin entered by Red Engineering Design
  • 7 More London Riverside entered by Roger Preston & Partners
The Sustainability Awards are supported by the UK Green Building Council, and are considered a leading industry event recognising and rewarding outstanding achievement in sustainability in the built environment. For a long time, Arup Associates has been a pioneering practice in leading on sustainable design. The firm, which was founded in 1963, has gained a reputation for an innovative, relevant approach to sustainability that focuses on the human experience of a building. Arup Associates refer to this as “whole-life sustainability”.
Arup Associates has been awarded the title „Sustainable Designer of the Year“ in the Sustainability Awards 2010. Moreover, the practice received the „Sustainable Project of the Year (over £10M)“ Award for its BSkyB HQ project in West London.
Other recent examples of buildings by Arup Associates that have been recognised for their approach to sustainable design include: Druk White Lotus School in Ladakh, Northern India; Citi Bank Data Centre, Frankfurt; Ropemaker building for British Land; FIFA 2022 Showcase. In view of the recent announcement of the FIFA World Cup Winning Bid, to follow are details of Arup Associates' design for the Qatar 2022 Showcase. With its revolving roof structure, the design is a real tour-de-force towards a sustainable approach to cooling stadia in hot climates.
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