Fire Protection Glazing in the Foyer

Foto: Hoba
As part of the refurbishment of the historic, listed Axel-Springer-Hochhaus building in Hamburg, the building was given a completely new interior design. The foyer is connected to the first floor via an atrium, which in turn increased the fire protection requirements.
Since the completion of the refurbishement, Hoba glass partition walls and doors separate the access areas and adjoining offices. The fire protection concept provided for the creation of a fire barrier at these interfaces. In the event of a fire, the doors and partition walls must withstand it for at least 30 minutes. The listed-building regulations, however required the new elements to resemble the original ones as closely as possible. The original partition walls were white-painted steel frame structures with brass glazing beads, while the doors consisted of a 1960s-style tubular frame system with weld-on hinges. Rather than metal, Hoba elements are now made of wood and are painted in a colour that corresponds to that of the original elements.
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