Die Zukunft gestalten: Gebaute Projekte von BIG

Dortheavej Residences; @Rasmus Hjortshoj
At BIG, future-oriented adventures have long been a reality. How this can look is demonstrated by the many architectural highlights designed by the globally active think tank, whose 500 employees work at the offices in Copenhagen, Shenzhen, Barcelona, London and New York. Everything that makes architecture worthwhile is represented, from a lookout tower to an enormous apartment complex, from urban public space to a museum. Since its establishment in 2005, the Bjarke Ingels Group has realised 55 different projects around the world; more than 30 are currently under construction. Many of these projects test the limits of classical typologies such as residential structures. Others offer their users or the public unexpected added value – for instance, a ski slope on the roof of a waste incineration plant. The true expertise of the Bjarke Engels Group lies in the large shape, for the architects do not shrink from projects in XXL format. Nonetheless, the team surrounding Bjarke Ingels has proved that they are more than equal to the challenges inherent in conversions and restorations as well. In BIG’s projects, unconventional ideas and innovative ideas lead to completely new spatial experiences. Twenty of these built and concrete spatial experiences are documented in this book, which features layout plans, details, photos and texts. In short: BIG visions that are transformed into reality.