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Giving the recycling economy a boost

Das EU-Projekt Moveco hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Kreislaufwirtschaft zu fördern (Grafik: Moveco 2018 - Design by 'Ideen die Fruchten')
Let's make the world a more circular place – this is the credo of the international consortium, which has ten countries in the Danube area participating in it (Bulgaria, Germany, Croatia, Austria, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary). The project partners have set themselves the goal of providing a toolbox for the implementation of environmental service concepts for companies and organisations and informing them about important business-relevant topics, such as the increased producer-responsibility in their countries. About one third of European waste comes from construction and demolition, followed by mining and quarrying. Although not specifically designed for the construction industry, the platform offers an opportunity for the exchange of secondary raw materials and for the creation of industrial symbioses. The participation of the construction industry can contribute on a relevant scale to the preservation of raw materials and the avoidance of waste.
The platform danube-goes-circular.eu consists of a total of four modules: The first module is the marketplace for the reuse of products and secondary raw materials. The idea behind this is to close material cycles across national borders – one country's waste can and should become the raw material of another. The second module presents opportunities for cooperation and is primarily aimed at research institutions in the field of environmental services. Here, interested actors can exchange ideas and win new partners for their projects. In the Ideas and Discussion section, they can contribute their expertise or look for solutions to specific questions. The Circular Economy Toolbox is a virtual toolbox for recycling management and is included in the third module. The complete release of the toolbox is planned for the coming weeks (August 2018). It is intended to support companies and organisations with the practical implementation of recycling-management projects, and includes among other things training and analysis materials, as well as information on financing instruments, funding programmes and cooperation opportunities. The fourth module provides comprehensive information on various models of increased producer-responsibility, a summary of the current status of legislation in the respective countries, and local, expert contacts.
The aim is for manufacturers to ensure that a product is not only sold but also recycled, thus optimising the recyclability of their products. All the modules of the new online platform are equipped with an automatic translation function.
The Moveco project is being promoted within the framework of the European Union's Interreg Danube Region Programme and aims to raise awareness among companies, research institutions, public authorities, economic development institutions and citizens of the concept of recycling management. Since December 2016, twelve project and four strategic partners from ten countries have been working together to promote knowledge in the field of environmental services and to improve the framework conditions for circular products and business models. The project is being coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Two German partners are also involved in the project consortium: Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR) GmbH and Trägerverein Umwelttechnologie-Cluster Bayern e.V.
The platform danube-goes-circular.eu consists of a total of four modules: The first module is the marketplace for the reuse of products and secondary raw materials. The idea behind this is to close material cycles across national borders – one country's waste can and should become the raw material of another. The second module presents opportunities for cooperation and is primarily aimed at research institutions in the field of environmental services. Here, interested actors can exchange ideas and win new partners for their projects. In the Ideas and Discussion section, they can contribute their expertise or look for solutions to specific questions. The Circular Economy Toolbox is a virtual toolbox for recycling management and is included in the third module. The complete release of the toolbox is planned for the coming weeks (August 2018). It is intended to support companies and organisations with the practical implementation of recycling-management projects, and includes among other things training and analysis materials, as well as information on financing instruments, funding programmes and cooperation opportunities. The fourth module provides comprehensive information on various models of increased producer-responsibility, a summary of the current status of legislation in the respective countries, and local, expert contacts.
The aim is for manufacturers to ensure that a product is not only sold but also recycled, thus optimising the recyclability of their products. All the modules of the new online platform are equipped with an automatic translation function.
The Moveco project is being promoted within the framework of the European Union's Interreg Danube Region Programme and aims to raise awareness among companies, research institutions, public authorities, economic development institutions and citizens of the concept of recycling management. Since December 2016, twelve project and four strategic partners from ten countries have been working together to promote knowledge in the field of environmental services and to improve the framework conditions for circular products and business models. The project is being coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Two German partners are also involved in the project consortium: Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR) GmbH and Trägerverein Umwelttechnologie-Cluster Bayern e.V.