01.12.2012 popp@detail.de

Hybrid Structures – Diversity in Building Culture

Author: Ulrich Pfammatter

Hybrid objects often result in improved efficiency and help to save resources. In the realm of construction, they can increase the spatial quality of buildings, the performance of structural typologies and the adaptability of materials, as well as combining these with environmental advantages and a greater resistance to climatic influences. Ultimately, hybrid structures are the outcome of an interdisciplinary collaboration. The hybrid quality of the new EZB twin towers in Frankfurt by Coop Himmelb(l)au resembles that created by the architectural group Think in its concept for the World Cultural Center on Ground Zero in New York. The two EZB towers are secured against wind and earthquakes by a concrete core as well as a concrete skeleton frame. They are further stabilized by numberous skywalks, ramps and platforms. The constant element is the flexible, yet standardized spatial programme for the offices. In addition, the multilayer, hybrid, glazed skin performs a number of functions.
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