
Improving the energy performance of the European housing stock

Further readings:

DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) (2009) Extending the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target. Consultation on a CERT framework for the period April 2011 to December 2012.
Link to the document

Engelund Thomsen, Kirsten; Wittchen, Kim B.; Erhorn-Kluttig, Heike;
Erhorn, Hans (2009) Thresholds related to renovation of building: EPBD definitions and rules.
Link to the document

European Commission (2002) Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings [2003] OJ L1/65
Link to the document

European Commission (2008) Commission staff working document - Accompanying document to the proposal for a recast of the energy performance of buildings directive (2002/91/EC) - Summary of the impact assessment {COM(2008) 780 final} {SEC(2008) 2864}
Link to the document

European Commission (2010) Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings (recast)
Link to the document

Hamilton, Blair (2010): A Comparison of Energy Efficiency Programmes for Existing Homes in Eleven Countries. Prepared for the Department of Energy and Climate Change United Kingdom by the Regulatory Assistance Project.
Link to the document

Itard, Laure; Meijer, Frits (2009): Towards a sustainable Northern European housing stock
Link to the document

Joosen, Suzanne; Zegers, Frank (2006): Cross country evaluation of Energy Performance Certificates
Link to the document

Laustsen, Jens H. (2000): Energy Labelling in Denmark
Link to the document

Lees, Eoin (2008) Report to DECC “Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Commitment 2005-08”. Prepared by Eoin Lees Energy.
Link to the document

McCormick, Kes; Neij, Petra (2009) Experience of Policy Instruments for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in the Nordic Countries.
Link to the document

Michelsen, Claus; Müller-Michelsen, Silke (2010): Energieeffizienz im Altbau: Werden die Sanierungspotenziale überschätzt? Ergebnisse auf Grundlage des ista-IWH-Energieeffizienzindex, in: Wirtschaft im Wandel 9/2010, S. 447-455
Link to the document

OECD/IEA and AFD (2008) Promoting Energy Efficiency Investments: Case Studies in the Residential Sector.
Link to the document

In their article for DETAIL Green, Frits Meijer and Lorraine Murphy (TU Delft ) analyse the characteristics and physical quality of the housing stock in selected European countries. A second section of the article analyses the current policies that are undertaken, including barriers and opportunities. In addition to the article, here is a link list with references for further reading.
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