31.05.2012 popp@detail.de

Mülimatt Sports Education and Training Centre in Windisch, Brugg

Architects: Studio Vacchini Architetti, CH–Locarno
Structural engineering: Fürst Laffranchi Bauingenieure GmbH, CH–Wolfwil

M 1:3000 Lageplan
M 1:750 Grundrisse
M 1:750 Schnitt
M 1:50 Horizontalschnitt
M 1:50 Vertikalschnitt
M 1:20 Horizontalschnitt
M 1:20 Vertikalschnitt
The folded shell structure consists of prefabricated prestressed concrete elements, which allowed greater control of the mix and the production. The formwork could be hydraulic­ally opened and closed. To fill it optimally when casting the V-section elements, they were laid with the legs opening downwards. This necessitated a means of lifting and turning the elements. The concrete also had to be ventilated to ensure a flawless surface. In view of the slenderness of the legs and the large amount of reinforcement, an ideal concrete mix had to be found through extensive trials. Self-compacting concrete with a grain size of up to 8 mm was finally specified. To be able to pour the material in a single operation and to remove the formwork after 14 hours, two high-performance flow substances plus a viscosity regulator were added. After assembly, the 27 frame elements, with a cross-sectional depth of 2.59 m and a span of 52.6 m, formed a monolithic whole. A liquid sealing coat was applied to the roof surface.

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