Edition DETAIL
Architecture of Transformation in Flanders

Book tower in Ghent, Robbrecht en Daem architecten, © City of Ghent - Service Toerisme
Architects from Flanders are currently causing international ripples with their unconventional and creative conversions of existing buildings. The new book Umbau Architektur in Flandern – Architecture of Transformation in Flanders from Edition Detail's Baukultur series portrays the amazingly lively Flemish conversion culture with 24 recent courageous and pragmatic project examples.

Gare Maritime in Brussels, Neutelings Riedijk Architects, © Filip Dujardin
Building in existing stock
The new age of reconstruction has found a good home in Flanders: Monasteries are being revived as nurseries, chapels are becoming private homes and an old prison is being given a second life as a law school. Due to its complex political, historical and cultural structures, the region in the north of Belgium has long been accustomed to a state of constant rebuilding. Many architects have developed a natural acceptance when it comes to working with existing buildings. They know how to recognize and exploit the potential of them.

Umbau Architektur in Flandern – Architecture of Transformation in Flanders, © Edition Detail
Portrait of Flanders' vibrant architecture
With 24 outstanding, pragmatic, current conversion projects by De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, noAarchitecten, Robbrecht en Daem, Bovenbouw and Caruso St John, 51N4E, Blaf, Korteknie Stuhlmacher, Atelier Kempe Thill, Zaha Hadid and many other renowned architectural firms, a portrait of Flanders' vibrant architecture is presented. Whether conversion, extension, further construction, deconstruction, reuse of elements or materials - there are no limits to the architectural possibilities here. Interviews with Inge Vinck, An Fonteyne and Paul Robbrecht as well as essays by Sofie de Caigny and Florian Heilmeyer complete the panoramic picture of Flanders as a constantly changing urban landscape.
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Information about the book:
Umbau Architektur in Flandern – Architecture of Transformation in Flanders
Publishers: Sandra Hofmeister and Florian Heilmeyer
232 pages, four-color, 24 current conversion projects from Flanders, plans, drawings, essays and interviews
Language: German, English
Publishing date: May, 2024
Publishing company: Edition Detail, 2024
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