
Research Laboratory for Nanotechnology in Delft

In the Van Leeuwenhoek Laboratory, which is used jointly by the University of Technology of Delft and the independent Dutch research organization TNO for studies in nanotechnology, it was the role of the people using the building that was to be stressed, not just the complex tasks conducted there. Special attention was thus paid to communication zones and visual links between inside and outside. A key role in this respect is played by the central atrium, which is used for meetings and scientific exchanges. The main ground floor corridors run along the glazed facades, so that the comings and goings of scientists are visible from the campus. Small windows scattered over the face of the building afford glimpses of the interior and serve as points of orientation for staff in the internal spaces, which are artificially lighted for the most part. Since work goes on round the clock, the laboratory is a source of light in the surroundings at night.
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