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Residential House in Ávila
Architect: Herreros Arquitectos, E–Madrid
Structural engineer: Eduardo Barrón, E–Madrid
Structural engineer: Eduardo Barrón, E–Madrid
1:5000 Site plan
1:200 Floor plans
1:200 Sections
1:20 Vertical section
1:20 Horizontal section
1:200 Floor plans
1:200 Sections
1:20 Vertical section
1:20 Horizontal section
This simple residential house, situated on a hill in Ávila, Spain, serves as a prototype for an industrially prefabricated modular system that offers the opportunity for variation and expansion according to users’ needs. Despite low costs, short construction time, and high degree of prefabrication, the architects created a high-quality product. Its construction consists of eight elements that were prefabricated in the workshop: four elements as pedestal and four as gallery level with roof. The industrial character of the building provides a strong contrast to the landscape: Facades and roof feature exterior cladding made of galvanized steel sheet metal, while interiors are lined with OSB panels.