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ROB|ARCH 2018: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design

Foto: Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zürich
Changing not just how things are designed and made, but also transforming knowledge cultures, politics and economics that surround them. As such, the ROB|ARCH 2018 conference – hosted by the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich and the Association for Robots in Architecture – will continue this path, developing and revealing novel insights, applications and impacts of this transformation within the scientific, creative, and entrepreneurial domains, including, for example, architecture, structural design, civil and process engineering, art and design, and robotics. Key topics and issues of ROB|ARCH 2018 include autonomous control systems, advanced construction, collaborative design tools, computerised materials and structures, adaptive sensing and actuation, on-site and cooperative robotics, machine-learning, human-machine interaction, large-scale robotic fabrication and networked workflows.
Chris Luebkeman, studies in engineering and Doctorate in Architecture from ETH Zurich, former protégé of Spanish Architect Santiago Calatrava, teaching positions at several prestigious universities, Co-Director for Research and Development within Arup, now Director of Arup Foresight + Research + Innovation.
Mette Ramsgaard Thomson, Professor in Architecture and Digital Technologies, Founder and Head of the Centre for Information Technology (CITA) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and Conservation in Copenhagen.
Philip F. Yuan, Professor in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University in Shanghai, Council Member of the Chinese Architects Society and of the Chinese Architecture Fabrication Society, Co-Founder of the Digital Design Research Centre and the Digital Architecture Design Association.
Jonas Buchli, SNSF Assistant Professor for Agile and Dexterous Robotics at ETH Zurich, Diploma in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich and PhD from EPF Lausanne, former PostDoc at the Computational Learning and Motor Control Lab at the University of Southern California, former team leader at the Advanced Robotics Department of the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova.
The full program of the conference is available on the conference website. Online registration HERE
Chris Luebkeman, studies in engineering and Doctorate in Architecture from ETH Zurich, former protégé of Spanish Architect Santiago Calatrava, teaching positions at several prestigious universities, Co-Director for Research and Development within Arup, now Director of Arup Foresight + Research + Innovation.
Mette Ramsgaard Thomson, Professor in Architecture and Digital Technologies, Founder and Head of the Centre for Information Technology (CITA) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and Conservation in Copenhagen.
Philip F. Yuan, Professor in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University in Shanghai, Council Member of the Chinese Architects Society and of the Chinese Architecture Fabrication Society, Co-Founder of the Digital Design Research Centre and the Digital Architecture Design Association.
Jonas Buchli, SNSF Assistant Professor for Agile and Dexterous Robotics at ETH Zurich, Diploma in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich and PhD from EPF Lausanne, former PostDoc at the Computational Learning and Motor Control Lab at the University of Southern California, former team leader at the Advanced Robotics Department of the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova.
The full program of the conference is available on the conference website. Online registration HERE