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Temporary bar in Porto
Every year, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto holds a design competition for a temporary bar. One month after awarding the winner, the temporary bar had already been completed with the help of numerous students. The facade is comprised of 420 white plastic (polypropylene) storage boxes of varying heights. Variations in how far the boxes project from within a uniform grid structure (30 by 42 cm) bring the facade to life. A total of 46 modules in four different sizes were used, ranging from a row of three boxes to a set of 4 by 3 boxes. Part of the facade can be folded out to open the bar. Due to box depth and the desire to keep the interior free of obstructions, special extra-length hinges were developed. A network of LEDs inside the structure illuminates the white cubes at night, with colours changing in synchronicity to the music.