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World's third-largest solar power roof system inaugurated

Goodyear Dunlop isn’t just safeguarding the Europe-wide supply of tires from its Phillipsburg logistics centre, the largest the company runs on this continent. As of recently, many kilowatt-hours of solar electricity per year are now also being produced here. The PV julist und juwi company has brought the third-largest solar roof system in the world to the top of the tire storage facility in Philippsburg. It has an output of around 7.4 megawatts and generates approximately 7.3 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, which is equal to the annual requirement of around 1,800 households. This also makes the photovoltaic system the largest solar power roof system in Germany.
Such figures are usually only found in free-standing solar plants: over a surface area of just under 87,000 square metres, 95,500 solar modules generate enough electricity to supply a relatively large community. In addition, the production of nearly 5,000 tons of climate-damaging carbon dioxide (CO2) per year is avoided.
The system has been connected to the grid since late 2010 and is fitted with thin-film modules from the manufacturer First Solar. According to project managers PV julist und juwi, the system stands witness to the enormous solar potential that currently lies dormant in the roof areas of numerous commercial and industrial facilities.
Goodyear Dunlop’s European logistics centre in Philippsburg manages commodity flows in over 120 countries. Determination of demand, commodity procurement, production, storage, transport and payments are all harmonised here. Both customers in Germany as well as those in Western and Eastern European countries can be supplied with tires from Philippsburg within a 24-hour period.
Philippsburg in the Baden-Württemberg region has not only recently become home to one of South-West Germany’s nuclear reactors: the photovoltaic system on the roof of Goodyear Dunlop’s logistics centre – at around 7.4 megawatts – is the largest solar power roof system in the country.