Playfully translucent
Kindergarten by Petr Stolín in Liberec
The Nová Ruda kindergarten, which was designed by Peter Stolín in Liberec, resembles an adventure playground whose translucent building shell spans the playful interior world like a soft veil.
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Soundscapes under a leafy canopy
House of Music by Sou Fujimoto in Budapest
Sou Fujimoto has erected a transparent house for music in Budapest’s Liget Park, thus creating the preliminary highlight in a disputed cultural megaproject.
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Glorious prospects
Woha architects’ Vision for Singapore in 2100
Woha architects see the Singapore of 2100 as a future-oriented, sustainable megacity where people and nature are connected in renewable, cyclical systems.
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Simple and Affordable
Simply Affordable – Editorial 6.2022
In our June issue, we document outstanding international examples of simple and affordable construction as well as the diversity of materials, structural details and building typologies.
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Two museums in one sculptural building
Mudac and Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne
At a former railway site in Lausanne, Aires Mateus and Itten + Brechbühl have united two dissimilar museums into one sculptural building.
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