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Crystal and cloud: Musée des Confluences by Coop Himmelb(l)au
On 20 December 2014, the futuristic Musée des Confluences opened in the French city of Lyon.
Ecobuild 2015: A BIM-enabled future
Visitors to Ecobuild can access formal CPD opportunities by attending any official Ecobuild seminar session at the 2015 event.
Der Auftritt von Schüco gliedert sich in fünf Themenstudios, die neueste Trends für zukunftsorientierte Wohn-, Arbeits- und Lebenswelten aufzeigen.
DETAIL Prize 2014 - the winners have been chosen
The Danish Maritime Museum by BIG is awarded with the Jury's Prize. The winner of the Readers' Prize was the Kwel Kah Baung Migrant Learning Center by a.gor.a architects from Thailand.
New image: Farmers market pop-ups
Most vendors can’t afford a custom tent, so they are all white, with flimsy signage. An AIA design competition aims to re-imagine the farmer’s market canopy pop-up booth.