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BAU 2013 in Munich – The Fair for Architecture and Energie 2.0

BAU 2013 will take place in Munich from 14 to 19 January 2013. The world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems will showcase the solutions and products of more than 2000 exhibitors from 40 countries on 180,000 m2 of hall space and 3500 m2 of open area. The four main themes of the exhibition will be sustainability, age-appropriate construction, Energy 2.0 and urban development in the 21st century.
Two years ago, over 235,000 visitors at-tended BAU 2011. In 2013 the organizers hope to break this record again. Austria, Switzerland and Italy account for the largest number of overseas exhibitors and visitors, and in 2011 there were significant increases in visitor numbers from almost all the top 15 countries. Particularly noticeable were the strong rises from countries like Turkey and Russia. The globalization of the building and construction industry – and hence of BAU – is reflected in the growth in visitor numbers from non-European countries. 8,500 visitors came to BAU 2011 from outside Europe. 3,505 travelled from Asia, including 854 from China. Exhibitor numbers also reached a new alltime high in 2011, with 2,058 exhibitors from 46 countries.
Two years ago, over 235,000 visitors at-tended BAU 2011. In 2013 the organizers hope to break this record again. Austria, Switzerland and Italy account for the largest number of overseas exhibitors and visitors, and in 2011 there were significant increases in visitor numbers from almost all the top 15 countries. Particularly noticeable were the strong rises from countries like Turkey and Russia. The globalization of the building and construction industry – and hence of BAU – is reflected in the growth in visitor numbers from non-European countries. 8,500 visitors came to BAU 2011 from outside Europe. 3,505 travelled from Asia, including 854 from China. Exhibitor numbers also reached a new alltime high in 2011, with 2,058 exhibitors from 46 countries.
In Europe, around 40% of the energy consumed goes on heating buildings. Energy efficiency has therefore long been a key theme in construction and is also the focus of Energy 2.0. At BAU, lectures and special shows will be held looking at how buildings and urban districts can be supplied with energy in the future and which technological innovations are likely to emerge.
Already today half of us live in cities. By 2050, 75% of what will then be a global population of around 9.3 billion people will live in urban areas. Urban development in the 21st century will be a major challenge with regard to infrastructure, mobility, security and energy supply.
BAU 2013 will include 17 exhibition halls covering a total area of 180,000 m2. The halls will be arranged according to construction material, product and theme. What makes BAU special is the fact that it brings together under one roof all the technologies, products and materials used in planning and construction.
Already today half of us live in cities. By 2050, 75% of what will then be a global population of around 9.3 billion people will live in urban areas. Urban development in the 21st century will be a major challenge with regard to infrastructure, mobility, security and energy supply.
BAU 2013 will include 17 exhibition halls covering a total area of 180,000 m2. The halls will be arranged according to construction material, product and theme. What makes BAU special is the fact that it brings together under one roof all the technologies, products and materials used in planning and construction.
This cross-functionality makes BAU a good information source for everyone involved in planning and building: from investors, planners and architects through to skilled tradesmen and facility managers. BAU is also a plattform for showcasing new products. Exhibitors gear their new product development to the BAU cycle and new product innovations, such as windows, doors, floor coverings and new facade elements, are presented in this term.
Traditionally halls at BAU have been divided up into categories according to product or material type. For BAU 2013, however, this established system of organization is being overlaid with an additional orientation system, with exhibitors also able to be found under a specific theme heading.
BAU is also a very important information and communication platform for planners, architects and construction engineers from all over the world. In 2011 BAU was attended by over 50,000 visitors working for architecture and planning firms. In six years, the percentage of planners among the visitors to BAU has doubled. www.bau-muenchen.com
Traditionally halls at BAU have been divided up into categories according to product or material type. For BAU 2013, however, this established system of organization is being overlaid with an additional orientation system, with exhibitors also able to be found under a specific theme heading.
BAU is also a very important information and communication platform for planners, architects and construction engineers from all over the world. In 2011 BAU was attended by over 50,000 visitors working for architecture and planning firms. In six years, the percentage of planners among the visitors to BAU has doubled. www.bau-muenchen.com
The proportion of exhibitors from outside Germany was higher than ever, at 26%. BAU 2013 will have four key themes: Sustainability, Building for Life, Energy 2.0 and Urban Development in the 21st Century. Sustainability has now be-come a generic term for contemporary, responsible building, and products and materials fulfilling sustainability criteria will be on display at the booths of most exhibitors at BAU. Sustainable building and planning are also key event themes in the supporting programme.
Buildings for life, i.e. buildings that suit all generations, is an idea that is gaining ground in Germany and Europe. It requires living space to be designed and fitted out in such a way that there is room for everyone, so that all occupants feel a sense of well-being and security, whether they are young, old, large or small. BAU 2013 will include several events focusing on this theme.
Buildings for life, i.e. buildings that suit all generations, is an idea that is gaining ground in Germany and Europe. It requires living space to be designed and fitted out in such a way that there is room for everyone, so that all occupants feel a sense of well-being and security, whether they are young, old, large or small. BAU 2013 will include several events focusing on this theme.