Architecture and engineering
Technoscape – The Architecture of Technology

© ZEISS Archive
Rome’s MAXXI Museum for contemporary art extends an historical arc over the connections between architecture, engineering and ecological, digital and technological innovation.

© Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects
The exhibition is devoted to the relationship between architecture and the encroachment of technology into our working and living spaces. With the examples of unusual built masterpieces from around the world, the show elucidates the essential, far-reaching role now played in the collaboration of engineering-based and architectural disciplines in the building sector, and how this role has changed over the past century.
Developing from this spatial and temporal connection, seven university research centres from around the world present interactive installations and experiments to give insight into the future of engineering.

© Musacchio Iannello Pasqualini

Dies ist eine Bildunterschrift

Dies ist eine Bildunterschrift
Along with its investigation of environmental actions and research into new materials, the exhibition also demonstrates how the world of modernist structures is shifting towards a world of technology, digital prefabrication and robotics.
Exhibition venue: MAXXI, Via Guido Reni 4a, 00196 Rom (IT)
Exhibition dates: 01. Oktober 2022 bis 05. April 2023
Opening hours : Dienstag bis Sonntag 11–19 Uhr; Montag geschlossen
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